Hibiscus Coast Rock'n'Roll Club was formed in 1998 in Ōrewa.
Interest was mustered up by an advertisement in the local paper.
A meeting was held at the Ōrewa North Primary School Hall on the 2nd Feb 1998. 18 people attended and a steering committee was set up. They called themselves the Ōrewa Rock'n'Roll Club.
Around twelve loyal members turned up each Tuesday evening at Muldoon's Bar, and then the Ōrewa Surf Club and then onto the Lions Hall in Whangaparāoa (all in the first year of operation).
The membership rose to 34 members and a bigger venue was required and we moved next door to our present hall at the Whangaparāoa Citizens and Ratepayers Hall and have been there ever since.
We now boast around 150 members and most Tuesday nights around 80 of these members turn up to dance and have fun. The club receives good support from other Rock ‘n’ Roll Clubs in New Zealand and other parts of the world.
Credit for the club getting off the ground and putting us on the map goes to the original foundation members Harold Thomas, Jacqui Hall, Robert Harris, Bev and George Russell, Vicki White, Chris and Heather Lewis.
Credit for keeping us on the map must go to Jim Grassick as well as the support he was given by Noelene Mack. Jim and Noelene together shared the leadership role of the club for over 18 years!
The club is now 27 years old and still going strong under the leadership of Leslie Green.
Jan 1998
Harold Thomas could see that Hibiscus Coast Rockers had nowhere to Rock'n'Roll and placed the advertisement in the local paper.
Feb 1998
First meeting of people interested in forming a Rock ‘n’ Roll club was held at the Ōrewa North Primary School Hall.
A steering committee was set up lead by Chris Lewis.
Mar 1998
Regular Tuesday night events began at Muldoon’s Bar in Ōrewa.
May 1998
Lessons were offered. They were taught by Martina Mahy and assisted by Heather Blackburn of the Westside Rock’n’Roll club.
The Regular Tuesday night events moved to the Ōrewa Surf Club.
Jul 1998
First Hop held. It was at the Dairy Flat Hall and over 160 people attended mostly from other supporting clubs.
Aug 1998
First newsletter printed.
Nov 1998
First AGM was held at the Ōrewa Surf Club.
Feb 1999
The Regular Tuesday night events moved to the Lions Club at Whangaparāoa.
Erin Syms took on the task of music co-originator. Digitising Rock’n’Roll music onto a computer. A task that took many years of refinement.
Aug 1999
Became a Registered Incorporated Society.
Oct 1999
The Regular Tuesday night events moved to the Whangaparāoa Citizens and Ratepayers Hall.
Jun 2000
Heather Blackburn took over the teaching role, assisted by Noelene Mack.
Jun 2002
Noelene Mack took over the teaching role.
Aug 2008
The club Website was published. Thomas Mischler was the creator and continued to maintain the website content for the next 10 years.
Mar 2011
Began a Facebook presence.
The printed Newsletter was discontinued.
Jun 2017
Leslie Green started teaching the beginner's class.
Noelene Mack continued to teach the Intermediate classes.
Chris Lewis
Jim Grassick
Noelene Mack
Lenore Potier
Noelene Mack
Leslie Green
If you have any questions about the club. Please feel free to email us or talk to us on club nights. Further contact details are available here.